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Welcome to Reading/Language Arts -7 With Ms. Gray!!!




The Three Rs

Class rules are very simple. Remember these and you’ll be in good shape throughout the year:


Be Respectful!

  • Be respectful of each person in the room. Some people learn differently. That’s OK. Hey, you may even learn something.

  • Respect the property in the room. Use materials with care.

Be Ready!

  • Have everything you need with you at the beginning of class. This will save time and aggravation.

  • Gather what you need for homework


Be Responsible!

  • You are in charge. You must make sure that you do your best. Parents and teachers are here to help, but ultimately, the work is yours.

  • You are in 7th grade and do not need constant reminders of what you should and should not be doing.

  • Use your planner/agenda each day so that you will be on top of your assignments. You are responsible for those missed due to an absence.



Please check my website weekly to keep abreast of your child's class assignments and homework. I offer individual tutorials Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:15am - 8:35am or in the afternoon on Wednesday from 4:15pm - 4:45pm. Students will need to ask for a pass for the morning sessions and make sure they make me aware that they will be showing up in the afternoon.



Each student is responsible for bringing their own supplies to class each day. Phone calls or emails to parents will be made for students that repeatedly fail to bring required supplies to class.



Daily Routines and Procedures

1. Enter quietly, have materials ready, be seated, and begin to copy down the day’s assignment listed on the AGENDA (board) into your PLANNER.

2. Turn in your classwork/homework. (Have it out on top of your desk for Ms. Gray to pick up. Failure to

have completed work will result in the student completing a "Classwork Excuse Note" that will be emailed to your parent.

3. Actively participate in each day’s lesson.

4. Return all class items (dictionaries, thesaurus, textbooks, etc.) to their places before you are dismissed.

5. You will be dismissed by the teacher and NOT by the bell.




Grades, Attendance & Make-up Work

  • It is expected that all classwork/homework assignments will be turned in on-time.

  • It is to a student’s benefit to be at school every day, but when he or she is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to turn in make-up work. (All missing assignments will be posted in the ABSENT FOLDER in the classroom as a reminder of what you need to makeup. Also, you can look at the assignment calendar for the absent days on this website. That way, you won’t fall behind.)

  • It is your job to write the assignment in your planner. Along with each assignment comes a due date. Pay close attention to these dates.

  • Assignments handed in on time earn up to a 100%. Work handed in one day late or incomplete will earn up to an 85%. Any assignment turned in two days late or incomplete will earn up to a 70%.Assignments turned in three days late will earn aup to a 55%. A zero is placed in the grade book until the assignment is made up. After three days, the assignment will receive a zero. You will have one final opportunity to receive up to a 50% by completing the assignment in Z.A.P. that Friday.



Vocabulary Assignments:

Vocabulary assignments are due during the READING class.

Vocabulary Quiz:

Vocabulary Quizzes are given in the Reading class on Wednesday. A failure on a quiz may be corrected to a 70 by completing an alternate assignment from Ms. Gray. The alternate assignment will be due 2 days after it is assigned. Students must complete the alternate assignment AND pass the next vocabulary quiz in order to raise their failed quiz score to a 70%. The alternate assignment is to write each word, definition and part of speech five times each, skipping a line between each GROUP of words. (This activity has been modeled in class and written on the board on more than one occasion.)


 Students should study Vocabulary words nightly via the Quizlet website.



Ongoing Topics and Assignments

•Vocabulary studied within the context of reading and for language development

•Grammar studied within the context of writing and various exercises

•Journal writing for a variety of purposes in conjunction with literature and as free response writing

•Oral presentations relating to assignments



Students will demonstrate the ability to

•Acquire a basic understanding of culturally diverse written texts

•Apply knowledge of literary elements to understand culturally diverse written texts

•Use various strategies and critical thinking to identify and analyze culturally diverse written texts

•Produce a piece of writing that demonstrates a command of the conventions of spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, usage, and sentence structure

•Recognize appropriate organization of ideas in written text

•Write effectively within a given context, and produce an effective composition for a specific purpose











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